Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Aloriah: Midgard Progress Update #2.6

Things are going well, rankings are healthy:
I have my sleipnir horses with my new Thief (Claredy) for leveling. Thieves seem best to lead black dragon farming armies due to the fastfooted skill.

I got tired of farming ancient ruins when my treasure hunter (Guzzer) ran into a few mobs yet again and lost most of his wolves. You have to give it a lot of attention. Thus, I reset his skills and am trying my hand at fishing now! Fishing takes less overhead as you set the orders and let it go for days.  Mobs rarely run into you (non have yet). I wonder which is better, ruins or fishing. Readers, please comment with tales of your fishing adventures. Anyhow, here is some good stuff I have fished up so far (in Molten Ashlands):

Finally got my first epic, bought off the auction house for 30,000 gold:

In Misty Marshes this week, a few emerald dragon armies actually completed their attacks, as opposed to just poof'ing. They were dispatched with ease as usual. However, I still have not gotten the chest for the mother dragon set, which is a bit frustrating. I would like to make mention I had a Tropical Islands scouting army stumble across a sapphire dragon, so finally got a blue dragon head. Like I have mentioned before, if your defense is decent, you really do not need a blue dragon head.

The big event of the week is that my alliance, Ragnarök, went to war. Here is the declaration from our leader, Ramdas:
"The Mighty Ragnarök Alliance would like to make the first Alliance VS. Alliance war declaration against a tribe formed of chaos. The God’s accepted Loki as one of their own but Loki is a natural trickster a thief his children follow closely in his footstep.

So as punishment to his children we have decided to back them up onto a rock and burn their villages so that we may drop the venom of war upon them though we are no serpent. We are Ragnarök the destroyers of villages and the world. To make this game more interesting we declare war on you also we have had many run ins on this alliance as they are in are area to reduce competition we shall cleanse Loki and his children from Midgard.

We Ragnarök for the first time on the Midgard Server declare the first Alliance Vs. Alliance war on the Children of Loki. Tremble in Terror for we have come to burn your villages. Ragnarök Vs. Children of Loki! Let the war begin!"

Thus, the campaign against Bosotter began. Bosotter is a big threat to our dominance so please regard our campaign as a compliment to him. There have been three significant actions so far:
  • Superbear0418 and I started the campaign by killing 3 of Bosotter's fenrir wolves.
  • Bosotter caught and killed 4 of my sleipnir horses by bolstering his forces with 4 more fenrir wolves. Omg, did not know he had so many. Having 1 sleipnir horse per slot is good when farming black dragons but if you get killed, none resurrect as it rounds it down. Your army also disbands and you have to rehire your hero. Not a good start! 
  • Our whole alliance then rallied and we destroyed Bosotter's Dry Steppes village in one big offensive, basically in just a few hours! Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is the first successful village demolish in Aloriah. We did not manage to steal any items as he must have transferred them all out in preparation of the loss. Here is an action shot of the attack:

I think the next few weeks shall be very interesting. Valhallans, we do not stand off at the mother dragon, we will show you how to pvp! :P

My final catch cry for the week is as per Guzzer "Make love not war!". :)

  • Aloriah is an online web browser based strategy game. More information can be found at my Aloriah Coverage page.
  • If you wish to jump straight in, you can sign up at http://www.aloriah.com/?ref=guzzer.
  • As best described by the creators of the game:
    "Aloriah is a free online web browser game based on mythologies of our time.
    Rule a civilization and experience epic events together with thousands of other players.
    • Play for free directly online through your internet browser
    • Expand villages, rally your armies and level your heroes
    • Explore the lands of Aloriah to find its mysteries
    • Journey on legendary quests together with your friends
    • Choose to worship the gods of good or evil"

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